Set up in the church of St. Magdelene near the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) in the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) compound, the Space Museum shows the story of the Indian space programme in six sections comprising of history, education, technology, applications, global, and the future. The exhibits include the various parts of a space shuttle with detailed descriptions of how it is used. Models of all the space shuttles that were created in India are found in the museum with information about the year of making, people associated, the purpose and the status of the launch. The models are placed chronologically which allows one to understand the space history of the nation. A full-scale space suit can also be found among the displays.
A movie theatre with a surround-sound system screens specially tailored movies on the Indian space programme. The museum has been infused into the church in such a way that the altar has been preserved and becomes the central division of the museum, allowing one to enjoy the architecture too. The 'future of space' makes up the last stages of the museum. Scientific artefacts of interest include full-scale models of the PSLV, PSLV heat shield and scaled down models of the GSLV, GSLV Mk-III and ATV.
Visitors can also witness the sounding rocket launches which usually happen every Wednesday.
8.5368438737227, 76.867260932922

The canal gate leads to an area which has a checkpoint for vehicles to pass through. This road leads to the seashore which houses the Space Museum and the rocket launching area.

The VSSC compound is an area of tight security and rules are quite strict.
Trivandrum Railway Station: 25km
Trivandrum airport: 30km